
Guide on using the app to trade coins


Buy, sell, and approve

  • ETH amount in: amount of ETH to spend

  • Estimated output: estimated amount of tokens you will get. You can also enter an amount here to get the ETH input amount

  • Tokens amount in: amount of tokens to sell. Can also be a percentage of your balance

  • Estimated ETH output: estimated amount of ETH you will get. You can also enter an amount here to get the tokens input amount

  • Slippage: click one of the presets or enter custom amount

  • Anti-MEV: will send a private transaction if connected to Ethereum Mainnet

  • Auto approve: will automatically trigger an approval transaction after a successful buy and if not approved yet.

  • Custom gas input: overrides default gas settings

    • RAPID: Current gas price +50%

    • INSANE: Current gas price +100%

Forcing gas and cancelling

You can attempt to speed up (force gas) or cancel a pending or stuck transaction.

Forcing gas

Enter a value in the force gas input and click the gas pump icon in the status bar. The force gas value needs to be in the following format:


Example: 250-50

MAXBASEFEE must be higher than PRIOFEE!


Press the cancel icon in the status bar. It will try to cancel the pending transaction with RAPID gas preset by default.

Last updated