Frequently asked questions. Feel free to also ask questions in our Telegram channel or Discord server.
What is the utility of the token?
The token gives holders 0% usage fees on the platform, as well as passively generating revenue share and tax share.
Is the bot safe?
The main advantages a desktop native bot has over Discord or Telegram based bots, is superior performance and greater security. Your bot is running locally instead of a remote server, and therefore your private keys are stored locally as well and never leave your local computer. On top of that, your private keys are encrypted locally with the password you set.
How do the fees work?
The bot will automatically take fees in the background when your owed fees are over 0.01 ETH. It will take the owed fees from the wallet with the highest balance, and only if the balance is 5 times greater than the owed fees.
Where can I find log files?
~/Library/Application Support/agonys-aio/logs
Can my password be reset?
No. Your password for the app cannot be reset as everything is stored and secured locally on your computer. You can reset the application in its entirety by deleting the files in the following directory: Windows C:\Users\Name\AppData\Roaming\agonys-aio MacOS ~/Library/Application Support/agonys-aio
About security popups on Windows
Getting a popup like this when trying to open the app on Windows?
Click on "More info" and then click on "Run anyway" to open the app.
Why does this popup appear?
It appears because the application has not yet built up enough reputation on Windows' side. Over time this popup will start showing up less frequently as more people install it.
Last updated