Managing Tasks

Create, edit, and delete tasks

Creating tasks

Each input in the create tasks popup has a help icon which will give you additional information when you hover over it. Feel free to ask when you are not sure how to set something up.

  • Contract Address: the contract address to send the transaction to

  • Function Signature: example mint(uint256 _mintAmount, address to)

    • Case sensitive

    • Not required when using Raw Input Hex Data

    • Can be found in the Input Data section of a Etherscan transaction page, or in the source code of a contract.

  • Function Parameters: Comma separated parameters to pass to the function, depending on the function signature and the expected parameters.

    • Example: 5,{WALLET}

    • Not required when using Raw Input Hex Data

    • Check the in-app tooltip for more information

  • Total Price: total amount in ETH to send with the transaction

  • Raw Input Hex Data: should only be used by advanced users

    • Not required when using function signature and parameters

  • Gas Limit: should only be used by advanced users

  • Custom Gas: format in GWEI: MAXBASEFEE-PRIOFEE

    • Example: 250-50

    • MAXBASEFEE must be equal or higher than PRIOFEE

    • Not required

Editing tasks

Individual tasks can be edited by pressing the yellow pencil icon on the right side. Pressing the edit button at the top will edit all tasks at once, prefilling the values from the first task in the list.

Deleting tasks

Individual tasks can be deleted by pressing the red bin icon on the right side. Pressing the delete button at the top will delete all tasks.

Last updated